The hotel and travel industry is entering a very exciting stage. People are travelling more than ever as the world becomes a smaller place.
Crossing international borders, residing in Paris, commuting to London for work, for instance, is fast becoming a reality for a rapidly growing number of people.
As a globally recognised organisation these are fantastic times for HSMAI Europe, launching a number of pan-European activities,entering new European markets, introducing new activities in the UK, and making preparations for our Revenue Management and Digital Marketing Conference in Frankfurt on 9 October 2013.
However, the industry also faces challenges, caused by a world becoming more accessible through increased use of social media, forcing companies to compete on a number of platforms, against a growing number of competitors.
This is where we believe HSMAI Europe plays a valuable role within the industry, in confronting such challenges. Through sharing knowledge and experience of the travel sector and the ground-breaking ways in which marketing has evolved, we encourage companies to learn from one another and share their skills to help the travel sector reach its true potential and overcome the new challenges hiding behind the next corner.
For details on HSMAI Europe’s immediate agenda, please see our calendar – and below presentation (best viewed in full-screen mode):