While working on the business plan of HSMAI Region Europe we have had many good discussions around our vision, mission and values. As we are part of an international organisation there are naturally many who will have opinions on those.
And this is exactly as we like it.
The event agencies are getting more and more important for the industry, and that’s why they are now part of our mission.
Here are the results so far, and we will have a second round with our European colleagues and advisors to finalise them:
HSMAI Europe Vision:
The leading meeting place of the industry.
HSMAI Europe Mission:
The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) Europe is committed to growing business for the hotel, event and travel industry and their partners, and is the industry’s leading advocate for intelligent, sustainable revenue growth on a local, national and European level. The association provides practical tools, latest insights, and cutting edge expertise to fuel sales, inspire marketing, and optimise revenue.
HSMAI Europe Values:
– engaging
– enabling
– connecting
If you have any feedback on this, please share it with us by emailing Ingunn Hofseth, HSMAI Region Europe President and CEO at ih@hsmai.no.
Photo: HSMAI vision and value draft. Photographer: Kaisla Saastamoinen